Información de contacto
Campus de Valladolid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Filología Inglesa
Despacho: 16
Breve biodata
Ph.D., English/Spanish comparative grammar, University of Valladolid (Spain). 2001
M.A., English/Spanish translation, University of Valladolid (Spain). 1998
M.A., Spanish Linguistics, University of Ottawa (Canada). 1996
B.A. Honors, English Philology, University of Seville (Spain). 1995
Asignaturas que se imparten en el curso 2021-2022
Grado en Estudios Ingleses: Gramática avanzada de la lengua inglesa, Adquisición y aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa; Máster en Estudios Ingleses Avanzados: Research on languages in contact: the importance of linguistic data
Líneas de investigación
How the tools provided by linguistic theory and comparative grammar can account for the language acquisition facts that appear in the acquisition processes of both primary languages (monolingual, bilingual and heritage) and non-primary languages (L2 and L3), as well as the relationship between these different acquisition processes.
Study of linguistic phenomena that emerge in language contact situations (e.g. code-switching, interlinguistic influence).
Analysis of issues related to bilingual acquisition (e.g. acquisition of lexical and functional categories).
Grupos de investigación
GIR UVALAL (University of Valladolid Language Acquisition Lab)
Proyectos de investigación
As the principal investigator:
(1) 2019-2022: Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) [PGC2018-097693-B-I00], Linguistic competence indicators in heritage and non-native languages: linguistic, psycholinguistic and social aspects of English-Spanish bilingualism
(2) 2017-2019 Castile and León Regional Government (Spain) and ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) [VA009P17], Aspectos de la dimensión internacional del contacto de lenguas: diagnósticos de la competencia lingüística bilingüe inglés-español
As co-researcher:
2013-2015 Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [FFI2012-35058], Variación, complejidad y experiencia lingüística en la adquisición de lenguas y el bilingüismo: más allá de la división entre sintaxis e interfaces, PI: A. Bel Gaya (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)
Publicaciones más relevantes
§ Fernández Fuertes, R. and S. Sánchez Calderón. 2021. The syntactic status of English dative alternation structures in bilingual and in monolingual acquisition data. LAB-Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 11-6, 817-845.
§ Liceras, J.M. and R. Fernández Fuertes. 2021. On the nature of crosslinguistic influence: root infinitives revisited. In Avram, L., A. Sevcenco and V. Tomescu (eds.) L1 Acquisition and L2 Learning. John Benjamins.
§ Gómez Garzarán, E. and R. Fernández Fuertes. 2020. Is explicit instruction effective? The learning of English noun-noun and adjective-noun structures by L1 Spanish school children. Culture and Education 32-2, 299-339.
§ Fernández Fuertes, R., T. Gómez Carrero and A. Martínez. 2019. Where the eye takes you: the processing of gender in codeswitching. RAEL 18-1, 1-17.
§ Fernández Fuertes, R. and J.M. Liceras. 2018. Bilingualism as a first language: language dominance and crosslinguistic influence. In Cuza, A. and P. Guijarro-Fuentes (eds.) Language Acquisition and Contact in the Iberian Peninsula. De Gruyter Mouton.