Pilar Abad García
Mixing Genres and Genders: Carol Ann Duffy’s Postmodern Satire: The World’s Wife
7-26 |
Belmekki Belkacem
The Impact of British Rule on the Indian Muslim Community in the Nineteenth Century
27-46 |
Jorge Luis Bueno Alonso
‘Leodum Lidost ond Lofgeornost’: La poesía épica de Beowulf en nuevos formatos gráficos y visuales
47-72 |
Emilio Cañadas Rodríguez
Orality and Other Southern Aspects in ZZ Packer’s Short Stories
73-88 |
José Ramón Fernández Suárez et alii
Some Notes on the Battle of Rioseco (1808): Opinions of English and Spanish Historians
89-96 |
Amaia Ibarraran Bigalondo
How to be a Chicana Role Model, or How to be a 21st Century Chicana
97-106 |
Dairo Lekan
A Polylectal Approach to the Study of Phonological Interference in Yoruba English
107-119 |
Paula López Rua
Can Peripherality Support Centrality? Some empirical Evidence from Morphological Margins
121-43 |
S. Murali
Austerity and Avesa: Sri Aurobindo’s Reconstruction of the Poetic
145-157 |
Juan Ráez Padilla
Agua, música y delicuescencia subterránea en la poesía de Seamus Heaney: complejos simbólicos de Moyola y del zahorí
159-169 |
Carla Rodríguez González
La negociación de la diferencia étnica en la literatura escocesa contemporánea
171-187 |
Arsenio Sánchez Calvo
A Learner-Centred Approach to the Teaching of English as an L2
189-196 |
Olga Seco Salvador
The Popularisation of Interracial Teen Romance in Contemporary Hollywood Cinema. Save the Last Dance (Thomas Carter, 2001)
197-212 |
Rocío Stevenson Muñoz
Abigail Williams as a Femme Fatale in The Crucible
213-223 |
Mª Teresa Vázquez de Prada
El Quijote en The Old Curiosity Shop
225-239 |
Juan Miguel Zarandona Fernández
From Periphery to Center?: The Collector of Treasures by Bessie Head (1977): The Translation and (Mis)reconstruction of an African Woman’s Identity in Spanish, Italian and French
241-263 |
Patrick Sheerin
Book Review: Samuel Johnson. Viaje a las Islas Occidentales de Escocia. Ed. y tr. Agustín Coletes Blanco. Oviedo: KRK Ediciones, 2006
265-267 |
Jesús Tronch i Pérez
Book Review: William Shakespeare. Eduardo III. [1592-93] Ed. y tr. Antonio Ballesteros. Serie Literatura Dramática. Madrid: Publicaciones de la Asociación de Directores de Escena de España. 2005
267-277 |